a group of people holding hands on top of a tree

Empowering Individuals

Helping those facing adversity with temporary housing, healthy food, clean water, referral resource, mentorship programs and financial literacy courses.

Empowering Individuals

The mentorship program is designed to provide emotional support and safe guidance for youth and young adults. Through this program, individuals who are in need of guidance and support can connect with experienced mentors who can offer valuable advice and guidance. The current mentors consist of 3 adult females, 2 of which served in the U.S Military and 1 a Licensed Practical Nurse. We are confident the professional experience and life knowledge gained in these important roles is beneficial. The mentors will encourage personal growth, career development, and positive decision-making. They provide a safe and nurturing environment for the mentees to share their concerns and challenges, offering them a listening ear and helping them navigate through difficult situations. The mentorship program aims to empower and uplift the youth and young adults, helping them develop resilience, confidence, and the necessary life skills to succeed.

three men and laughing two women walking side by side
three men and laughing two women walking side by side
Mentorship Programs
Workforce Support & Financial Literacy
  • Resume Builder Support

  • Interview Prep by HR Expert

  • Interview Attire Assistance

  • Credit Repair Services

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt
man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt


Elation Solutions provided crucial support during my darkest days, helping me rebuild and regain confidence. Forever grateful for their mentorship programs

Elation Solutions' support and dedication are greatly appreciated. Their community center provides essential resources and a sense of belonging, making it a safe haven for people like me

Elation Solutions' mentorship programs have guided me toward a brighter future, with caring mentors who help me overcome challenges and set achievable goals

Elation Solutions provides financial literacy courses and resources that empower individuals to control their finances and secure a stable future

difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor
difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations desk decor


Raised fist
Raised fist

Helping in the community and being the change you want to see are two crucial factors that can significantly impact society. When individuals actively engage in community service, they create a ripple effect of positive change. By lending a helping hand to those in need, we not only provide immediate assistance but also inspire others to do the same. Moreover, being the change we want to see means taking initiative and embodying the values and actions we believe can make the world a better place. It means actively working towards creating a more inclusive, compassionate, and sustainable society. When we take responsibility for our actions and strive to make a difference, we become catalysts for progress. Each act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to transform lives and inspire others to follow suit. Remember, change begins within ourselves, and by helping in the community, we contribute to a brighter future for all.


Get in touch for support
We are here to help!
hands formed together with red heart paint
hands formed together with red heart paint